News & Events 

Community Speedwatch 

The Community Speedwatch Team are in need of volunteers to join the team  to monitor speed levels in the village.  For more information please contact the Clerk.

If you do not know who to report issues in the village to please click on the link below: 

Who to report to Leaflet

West Butterwick Village Hall is run by a committee of volunteers.  For bookings please telephone 07810423951

Dog Fouling 

There is a significant issue in the village at the moment with dog fouling.  We have requested and been granted high visibility patrols from the North Lincs Council Dog Warden.  In order to take formal action N Lincs Council require intelligence.  You can report any information regarding this to them via:


Tel: 01724 297000


Notice of Election

Notice of Vacancy 

Next Parish Council Meeting  

The next full Parish Council meeting will take place on 17 March 2025  at 7 pm.

North Lincolnshire Local Plan Information 

The latest (2021) OFSTED inspection rated the West Butterwick School as “Outstanding”.


The opening of the new play area.


West Butterwick was originally a township in the Owston Ferry Parish, and lies on the West bank of the river Trent.

Great debate has taken place over the years as to the source of the name “West Butterwick”, Sydney Morle, once headmaster at the village school proposed in his publication “History of West Butterwick” that the ancient spelling was “Butrewick”, the “But” element can be translated to “Boat”, “Re” means “Reach” and “Wick” could translate to “village” or “Crooked shore” however John K. Johnstone in his publication “ISLE OF AXHOLME; ITS PLACE -NAMES AND RIVER NAMES” supports the theory that “Butterwick = The town of Buthar, the name of a famous Viking”

Historically a substantial proportion of residents were engaged in Agriculture with school attendance figures fluctuating according to the seasonal labour demands. Flax was an important crop, more so than cereals in the mid 1800s. Rope manufacture was also an important industry with 5 “Rope Walks” being recorded in the village, and a ready market available as Hull and Gainsborough (both massive consumers of rope because of their shipping industries) were easily accessible by the the river Trent. The river also provided convenient transport of bricks from the brickworks (located circa where the motorway embankment is situated) Other industries of the past were Milling, Boatbuilding, and Sloop and Keelmen who transported goods along the river.

The Church dedicated to St. Mary was built in 1841 .... See Local Info for more information